Advertise in The Burleson Buzz
Advertise your business in The Burleson Buzz online newsletter and articles and social media pages
Help The Burleson Buzz bring local news back to Burleson by purchasing advertising space in the newsletter
The Burleson Buzz offers paid articles and advertising plans—including a premium and standard option—to businesses sponsoring the publication.
Paid Article: $300 (temporarily FREE with Premium Digital Advertising Plan)
Have an article about your business written and published in The Burleson Buzz and shared on The Burleson Buzz social media pages and featured in every newsletter The Burleson Buzz publishes for 30 days
Premium Digital Advertising Plan: $300
Run an ad for your business in every newsletter and above the paywall of every article The Burleson Buzz publishes (minimum of four newsletters and five articles) and on The Burleson Buzz social media pages for 30 days
Paywall falls off article after maximum of two days
Temporarily comes with a free Paid Article
The ad must be a PNG or JPG image at least 600 x 600 px with a maximum aspect ratio of 1:1
The Burleson Buzz can create the ad image for you for an additional $50
Standard Digital Advertising Plan: $200
Run an ad for your business in every newsletter and below the paywall of every article The Burleson Buzz publishes (minimum of four newsletters and five articles) and on The Burleson Buzz social media pages for 30 days
Paywall falls off article after maximum of two days
The ad must be a PNG or JPG image at least 600 x 600 px with a maximum aspect ratio of 1:1
The Burleson Buzz can create the ad image for you for an additional $50