Vinewood explosion deemed military flare, still under investigation
The Burleson Police Department, Burleson Fire Marshals and Fort Worth Bomb Squad are investigating an exploded military flare in Vinewood after residents heard explosion around 7 p.m Thursday.
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BURLESON — Burleson Police Department, Burleson Fire Marshals and Fort Worth Bomb Squad are investigating an exploded military flare in Vinewood after residents reported hearing a loud noise and seeing a flare in the sky Thursday.
The explosion was determined to be an old military flare, according to the Burleson Fire Department.
The Burleson Police Department wouldn’t offer any additional information as the incident is still under investigation.
Vinewood residents heard the explosion around 7 p.m., according to Mike Jones, Burleson Fire Department Battalion Chief. Multiple people posted about the explosion on Facebook Thursday.
Some Vinewood residents thought the flare was a pipe bomb, but that wasn’t confirmed and it seemed like an “old military flare” to Jones early on in the investigation.
No injuries were reported.